How can we care for scoliosis and kyphosis and spondylolisthesis better with conservative care like physical therapy, high-tech scoliosis braces, exercise and other techniques? What can be done to improve surgical care, and understand choices for surgery, learning from those around the world? How can we learn from aviation and from Deming's principles of "Standard Work" to constantly improve spine and all healthcare?
Thursday, November 25, 2010
FW: Thanksgiving blessings
From: phyllis
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 2010 07:53:22 -0500
To: Lloyd Hey
Subject: Thanksgiving blessings
Good morning, Dr. Hey:
We are up preparing for a feast and stopped a moment to reflect on our blessings. This Thanksgiving we are very happy to have Mama at home and in far less pain. She is standing up much straighter and is doing well. We thank God for that!
Thank you for your abilities, intelligence, and patience. Thank you for not giving up on her and others like her. We thank God for your skills and knowledge.
God bless you and your family!!
Thanks again!!
The Taylor Clan
------ End of Forwarded Message
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
14 yo Lexi doing well after kyphosis surgery
Get well Lexi!!! You look great!
“Lexi is home from her surgery! The surgery went very well. She actually woke up and said that she loved Dr. Hey and thanked us for making her go through with the surgery. Dr. Hey was amazing. Not only is he brilliant, but he is so compassionate. He prayed with us before and after the surgery! I am thankful that I found him and that he was the one to perform the surgery on Lexi.”
Dr. Lloyd Hey
Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery
Thursday, November 4, 2010
14 Lexi did great w her scheuermann's kyphosis surgery
T3-L3 instrumentation and fusion w osteotomies.
Postop: normal
Ebl: 650 cc
Cell saver: 300.
Complications: none.
Family thankful.
Life is good!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Flat back gonzo 2:30 pm. Now nice "sway"!!!
She did great w surgery.
Anterior took 2 hrs L45 and L5S1 ALIF.
Posterior took 3 hrs 45 min.
Ebl 1500
Cell saver 620 cc
Blood 1 unit prbc.
Complications: none.
You can actually see the difference --- she has a buttocks again!
Time to talk to family and get lunch and to clinic c
Great day.
2 16 mm ALIF's in. Flatback reconstruction under way.
Dr. WATTERS, general surgery now closing, then we will turn pt over and do posterior osteotomies and laminectomies and extension instrumentation and fusion.
Dr. Lloyd A. Hey
Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery
Today's challenge: anterior posterior reconstruction for flat back syndrome.
She did well until a few years ago where she had increasing back and leg pain and trouble w walking and standing.
Her L45 and L5S1 discs have collapsed below her long fusion which actually put her lumbar spine in kyphosis.
We are starting the anterior procedure right now to do the anterior alif's first.