Friday, April 25, 2014

Some of our Most Recent Post-op Visitors & Thank You Notes

Hannah: “I’m from Greenville, North Carolina, and it has been a year since my scoliosis surgery. It’s helped me walk better. It’s improved my dance and volleyball, and I want to thank all of you for help during surgery and for helping me to get back to recovery. Thank you!

Hannah’s mom: “Thank you Dr. Hey and all the staff at the Hey Clinic and at the hospital- you’ve been great!”

Hannah’s dad: “You guys are awesome!”

14 year old and her family visit the Hey Clinic 1 year after surgery to correct Hannah’s scoliosis curve measuring 37 degrees from C7-T6 and 40.5 degrees curve from T6-L2.


Have you ever wondered how long until you can exercise again after scoliosis or kyphosis surgery? Or maybe your spinal deformity has prevented you from being active? Joel, 6-weeks after his kyphosis surgery, has become increasingly more active. He spoke to us about tracking his activity level over the next months/year, so that he can follow his progress with playing sports and exercising. More to come on his results. Everyone reacts differently to surgery, but it is always helpful for others contemplating surgery to follow someone during their recovery and experience their improvements.   

Here’s Joel’s story:

Joel: “I had a kyphosis curve (you can see it on the screen in the video) at 75 degrees. I was in a lot of pain and wasn’t able to play any sports, lift any weights, exercise or do any of the things I wanted to do. So, I gained a lot of weight. And so I had the surgery done and lost most of it simply by walking and being able to walk. I’m really thankful to Dr. Hey, his staff, all the nurses over at Duke Raleigh, and everyone that helped take care of me. I am extremely grateful and will forever be grateful for everything that has happened to me.”

Joel’s mother: “And I would like to thank the Hey clinic and the staff over at Duke Raleigh Medical for the care they gave my son. He is doing extremely well. And I would like to thank the Lord Jesus Christ for bringing us through this hill in our life. “

Rachel’s creative way of thanking everyone at the Hey Clinic. She is a very skilled artist!

And a note from Morgan:
“During one of the scariest days of my life, I took a chance on Google to help me find a doctor that could help fix my scoliosis. Thankfully, I was led to your website. Since our first meeting in November, I have thanked God for sending me to you. What was, hands down, the most serious procedure I have ever underwent was mad peaceful by knowing that first and foremost you were working with God. I cannot thank you enough for everything you have done, and for everything you stand for. ‘And if our God is with us, then who could ever stop us? And if our God is with us, then what can stand against us?’ May God continue to Bless you!” - Morgan