Tuesday, May 12, 2015

How quickly can my teenager get back to sports and even the prom after adolescent scoliosis surgery

Natalie, a 15 yo 6 weeks s/p T5-L2 instrumentation and fusion doing great, who wrote this in email on 5/4/15: 

"Turns out I danced the night away at prom and 5 weeks after my surgery I was able to get back on the field and pitch a whole game , hit, run , slide and do everything everyone else on the team could! Everyone was so shocked including myself , this would have never been able to happen without you! I've been back to playing softball and Thursday was my last game but I went out with a bang! I pitched the whole game, slid into the base, dove back to the base and even hit a home run!"

Natalie:  you go girl!!!    Lloyd A. Hey, MD MS  Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Robert in his 30's shares difference scoliosis surgery has had on quality of life and improved posture.

I saw Robert back at Hey Clinic this week for his one year postop visit after his scoliosis surgery with us.  He had scoliosis as a teenager, and was left with a residual deformity that actually progressed during his early adulthood. He did a lot of research over the years, and eventually decided to get it fixed now in his 30's.  He shares his story here in this YouTube, including his path through recovery, getting back to the gym with weight lifting,  and back to family life including carrying heavy car seats, and enjoying a better posture.

Lloyd A. Hey, MD MS -- http://www.heyclinic.com