"Hello! Had to share my weekend with you. This is our bridge here in Beaufort going to Lady's island and I walked it both Saturday and Sunday this past weekend. I made it all the way to the other side and then back again. It has a gradual incline to the top, and my much younger friend ( 23 years old) who walked with me, was very concerned about the incline. She said if I wanted to, we could only go halfway and come back. Nope. I said I'm walking the whole bridge and back. And we did. She was amazed. And even more amazed that I did it again the next day. It's about 3/4 of a mile each way. Not too shabby for someone who is recovering from spine revision surgery. LOL I haven't been able to walk this bridge in over 2 years. I was in too much pain from being bent over to be able to do it. My husband reminded me I couldn't make it from the parking garage to your office the day I came to see you. We had to stop several times. When I first approached the bridge, I stood at the bottom and looked up and said to myself, can I do this? I was just hoping to make the walk up to the top and then come back down to my car. I made it to the top, stood and enjoyed the view and then started going down the other way. And I made the climb twice! My hubby was worried. He said only go half way. When I came back and told him I did the whole bridge, he cried. And then I cried. And we remembered that day before surgery, when I couldn't walk to Dennys restaurant from our hotel. I couldn't do it. And next month, we will welcome a new grandbaby and this grandma will be able to stand up straight beside his crib. I am so very happy that I decided to have this surgery. I wished I had sooner. But I was scared. And by the way, anyone who is worried about their clothes afterwards in warmer weather because of the scar, don't worry at all. You can wear anything you want. My scar looks great. Went right over the old one. That was a concern to me cause before I was in a body cast for 9 months years ago with the first surgery and didn't worry really about what it would look like. This time I did. I just want others to know that I'm not sure if it was possible for anyone to have been more scared than I was. And I did great. And had a great outcome. This surgery now allows me to walk without pain, stand without bending my knees constantly, stand straight and not be bent over, stand at my sink and do dishes, stand at my stove and cook, go to events and not be constantly looking ahead for a bench to sit on. And so much more. Please share my story with those who are trying to decide to have revision surgery. They won't regret it. I never dreamed I would be walking this bridge EVER again in my life. Thank you again and I'll see you in November. Sincerely, Sheila C. "
Thanks again for sharing Sheila!! Keep it up!
Lloyd A. Hey, MD MS -- Hey Clinic for Scoliosis and Spine Surgery